FAQs about fundraising for Re-engage

There are several ways to pay in a collection or sponsorship:

  • Visit the donate section of our website to pay online.
  • Email fundraising@reengage.org.uk to request our BACS details and make a bank transfer.
  • Post any cheques, along with Gift Aid forms to:

    Freepost RUGE–HJRU–LGXR
    PO Box 391,
    Great Yarmouth,
    NR30 9HX

When paying in a collection or sponsorship, please include the following information so we can acknowledge your generosity:

  • How the money was raised and by whom.
  • Your details, and where you would like us to post an acknowledgement to.

We recommend using JustGiving if you would like to set up a fundraising page. Once you have created an account, it is quick and easy to set up as many new pages as you would like.

Please email fundraising@reengage.org.uk if you would like any help in setting up a fundraising page.

Our team can help you with tips on how to promote your activity and make the most of your fundraising. We can also provide leaflets with more information about Re-engage, to give to the people who support you. Tell us what you have in mind by emailing fundraising@reengage.org.uk.

We don’t currently offer places in any of the major fundraising events but it is something we are looking into for the future so please let us know if you are interested. If you are lucky enough to get your own place and would like to raise money for Re-engage, please email fundraising@reengage.org.uk to let us know and find out how we can support you with your fundraising.

Contact us

We have teams across the UK.


7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630