Leigh moved to the UK from South Africa just over seven years ago and she has been a call companion for almost two years.  She explains why she chose to volunteer for Re-engage and how the older people she has been matched with continue to inspire her.

Having had a relatively carefree and loving childhood, loneliness was something I never fully understood. The pandemic was the first time I felt truly disconnected and I realised just how many people, old and young, struggle with feelings of isolation on a daily basis. I found myself grateful for my upbringing and that my beloved grandparents – who had been in hospital some time before passing – had left us just before the pandemic hit, which meant we could be by their bedside.

It was during this time that I recognised the value of the Re-engage community and how it can help close this gap. The tea parties cater for people who like being out and about and if you’re not up to it, the charity’s call companions telephone befriending service is a wonderful way to connect you to others.

So after a few years of settling in London, and a global pandemic during which I perhaps gained a bit of perspective, I began my Re-engage journey. I’ve been part of the Re-engage community for almost two years and during this time, I’ve befriended both Cynthia and Angela. We have a phone call once a week and most of our chats involve sharing stories, revisiting memories and discussing upcoming excitements. Angela was recently anxious about leaving the home she had lived in for many years, but after losing her husband last year and becoming bed bound herself, she needed to move to a single-story house. She was concerned about the move, and I really hope I was a comfort to her during this time of change.  Conversely, I hope she knows what a wonderful distraction she’s been when busy London life has sometimes swallowed me up and how she’s inspired some of the decisions I’ve since made.

I’ve grown up in a family that finds any excuse to gather around the dinner table and I spent several years working in the food industry. A glimpse into the little daily struggles faced by Angela and Cynthia led me to launch my own business, Aunty Eve’s, which I named after my beloved grandmother. We deliver homemade frozen meals to people’s homes, and specifically to older people who either find it difficult to cook for themselves or who are too busy galivanting and want a convenient, wholesome meal which can be popped in the oven or microwave.

Much like Re-engage, we see enormous value in community – getting older is a journey we can’t avoid and while it may look a little different for each of us, it’s not all doom and gloom and we shouldn’t have to compromise – good food and good company are some of life’s greatest comforts and are vital to our well-being.

Thank you Re-engage and to all those who have inspired me along the way. So why get involved in Re-engage, you ask? Well, it’s a great opportunity to connect you to others and you may be surprised by how uplifting it can be.

Contact us

We have teams across the UK.


7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630