Jennifer spent five years caring for husband Geoff after he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. But she was able to get comfort from her Re-engage call companion, Fiona, who had experienced similar difficulties. 

“Towards the end, Geoff had dementia and things were very difficult,” said 81-year-old Jennifer. “The calls from Fiona were extremely helpful. She has had difficult times so we share a common bond. We talk about how we feel, what we’re doing and have a general chat about life. Geoff and I adopted our two sons and Fiona was adopted. We’ve both lost our husbands so there are things that tie us together. The calls are really helpful and I always look forward to them. You might say we talk about something and nothing but they give me comfort.” 

Jennifer and Geoff, a motor insurance assessor, had been married for 56 years until he died in April, 2024, aged 84. The couple had been very active. 

“But then one day we were at the surgery for a check-up when the doctor lifted up Geoff’s arm and said: ‘He’s got Parkinson’s.’ It was as simple as that and very frightening. It took me a long while to accept it,” added Jennifer, a grandmother of one. 

“Geoff then didn’t want to go out and we became very isolated. From having lots of nice holidays with cruises and everything there was nothing really. Those five years were just a downward slope with little respite. I did get some help and my family supported me when they could but it was very hard.  

“Now I’ve started to go out again. I go to a Knit and Natter group and to church. Things are looking better and Fiona’s calls play a big part in making that happen.” 

Fiona, 68, became a Re-engage Parkinson’s call companion to Jennifer in January 2023. Since then she has made over 150 calls. Her husband, Reg died in 2019. “My husband had dementia and it was a 24-hour job looking after him so I understand what Jennifer has been through,” she said. “I miss him dreadfully and still think about him every day. Sometimes I can feel very lonely. When Reg died I felt totally redundant so I thought I should help those who need support, which is why I started volunteering for Re-engage.” 

Fiona, who has also been a Christmas call companion for the charity, added: “Jennifer is so grateful for my calls and she’s such a lovely person. It’s really a two way street because I get just as much from our conversations as she does. 

“It’s a great system because older people who may be struggling are getting the support they need and the volunteers know they are providing a much-needed service” 

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