Sharon lives in Anglesea and speaks to her call companion Julia once a week.   Sharon’s mental and physical wellbeing suffered following a cardiac arrest.  Feeling anxious, alone and afraid to leave the house, she decided to get in touch with Re-engage. 

She was matched with Julia, who lives in Kent, and who signed up to become a call companion and call companion coordinator after she was furloughed from work during the pandemic.  They have been chatting to each other every week since December.

Sharon:  Julia makes me feel good about myself.

“Julia is always jolly and so happy to hear from me.  She makes me feel as though our calls are as important to her as they are to me.  Julia has become a true friend.

“Mostly, we just laugh and chat about the day-to-day things in life; about her dog Norman and what we’ve both been up to.  She’s always interested, but never intrusive.

“I know that I can talk to Julia about more personal things too; I trust her, and she makes me feel good about myself.  I’ve suffered over the past few years and Julia has helped to bring me back out of myself.

“If Julia is anything to go by, I’d recommend call companions to anyone.  She’s simply marvelous”.

Julia:  A 30-minute phone call once a week can really change someone’s life.

“Sharon used to breed dogs and, having recently bought a new puppy myself, she and I found an immediate connection. She taught me so many useful training tips when we first began speaking. 

“Before I became a call companion, I was feeling very low, having been recently furloughed from work. Work is my life and I needed something new to focus on. 

“Sharon and I always have a giggle.  She never complains and she always finds something positive in everything that’s thrown at her.  She’s so supportive of others too.  I’ve always loved Wales and I get so much pleasure from hearing her describe the places she’s been to.

“Being furloughed, and my chats with Sharon, have raised my awareness of loneliness and isolation.  A 30-minute phone call once a week can really change someone’s life. I’ve become much more involved in village life as a result.

“I’ve absolutely loved being both a call companion and a call companion coordinator. It gives me a sense of worth and a real purpose in life.”

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0800 716543

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020 7240 0630