How will Re-engage protect my data?

We have a Privacy Notice, which is accessible on our website. This notice explains how we keep your information safe.

Points to remember

In summary, here are some pointers to remember:

  • Don’t discuss your volunteers or older people or share their information with anyone who doesn’t need to know, particularly in public places.
  • Don’t share any passwords.
  • Don’t print out any information unless absolutely necessary.
  • Do shred the absolutely needed print outs after using them and never put them in domestic or recycling bins.
  • Do follow our policies and procedures.
  • Do report any suspicious activity immediately.
  • Information can be stored on secure, password protected devices but:
    • do remember to lock your mobile devices, especially if you are leaving them unattended.
    • do delete information once it’s no longer needed.

And finally, here is our promise

We work responsibly

As a charity, we are responsible for how you store and use the information. This is precious, private information that belongs to our volunteers and the older people who use our services, and it’s our duty to make sure that we are keeping it safe and secure at all times.

We train and engage

We ensure our volunteers and staff are trained and kept up to date on our policies and procedures around the safe handling of personal information.

We use safe technology

At Re-engage we ensure the safety and security of your data through:

  • Storing data securely.
  • Having password protected systems where Re-engage staff are prompted to change passwords regularly.
  • Using two factor authentication to verify user identities.
  • Backing up systems regularly.

Re-engage is responsible for keeping personal information safe. We can’t do it without your help.

If you have any further questions about UK GDPR, please take a look at the FAQs on our website or speak to your coordinator.

Important. Action needed.

Please enter the email address you signed up to volunteer with, and click the button below to let us know you have completed your training.


You’ve completed your GDPR training with Re-engage.

Thank you so much for your time and support.

Contact us

We have teams across the UK.


7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630