Activity group lead training

Training 2: preparing for activity groups

As an activity group lead volunteer, it’s your role to plan and prepare monthly sessions for the activity groups that you’ve agreed to lead.

The activity group coordinator will share relevant details about health conditions or disabilities of the older people, along with an up-to-date safety checklist prior to you staring an activity and let you know in advance approximately how many older people they’re expecting to attend.

As well as older people there will also be other volunteers in the activity group who’ll support the older people to take part and help serve refreshments.

If you’re running a specific session, for example, a light exercise class, it’s important to plan your session to last between 30-40 minutes and to factor in time for comfort breaks during the session. Each activity group normally lasts for approximately two hours.

Before attending an activity group older people fill out a health questionnaire to gather relevant health information, including emergency contact details. You may find that some older people turn up to the activity group unexpectedly. It’s important that any new older people are welcomed into Re-engage in the right way so it’s important that they register themselves before they take part in the session. Remember, all older people taking part in the sessions do so at their own risk and that it’s always their choice.

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7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630