Activity group coordinator training

Training 1: an introduction to your role

Re-engage activity groups are free for older people 75 and over and run monthly. The activity groups cater to different levels of ability and are run by Re-engage volunteers.

Older people are collected from their homes, by an activity group driver and taken to the activity group venue where they can take part in an activity that gets them moving in the company of other older people.

Each activity group is organised by an activity group coordinator, led and supported by activity group lead volunteers and drivers. The number of older people taking part in an activity group can range from four to 15.

Your role as an activity group coordinator is to organise the monthly activity group ensuring that the sessions are inclusive, fun, and safe.

Important to remember

Activity groups are suitable for older people who:

  • Can get in and out of a car with nothing more than a helping hand
  • Climb a few steps with nothing more than a helping hand
  • Manage their own personal needs such as using the toilet without help

Activity group volunteers must not lift or carry older people under any circumstances.

Getting started

Before you start volunteering at a activity group as an activity group coordinator you must complete a volunteer application form and have a call with a Re-engage member of staff who’ll check that the role is right for you.

After your call, you’ll be asked to:

  1. Submit a reference and complete an ID check
  2. Complete Re-engage training

“What a difference it’s made to me, being part of a social group again.”

Why the activity group coordinator and assistant group coordinator roles so important?

Activity group coordinators are absolutely central to ensuring that the monthly activity group can go ahead and that everyone involved is safe and happy. Activity group coordinators are valued volunteer leaders within Re-engage, and we simply couldn’t run activity groups without them.

The roles include:

  • Planning – you’ll put together the annual schedule for the activity group each year and confirm the arrangements for each activity group every month.
  • Communicating – you’ll be the main point of contact for all the older people and volunteers in the activity group, and the link between the activity group and Re-engage. Clear communication is key. By keeping the activity group volunteers and drivers in the loop the activity groups will be safe, enjoyable, and well organised.
  • Problem solving – if the volunteers or older people in the activity groups have any questions or concerns, you’ll be their first point of contact. Many of their questions will be covered in our FAQs and the volunteer training.
  • Raising awareness – there’s so much you can do to spread the word about Re-engage and the activity group in your local area. This is a great way to grow your group by recruiting more volunteers and reaching more older people.

Contact us

We have teams across the UK.


7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630