Christmas call companion role specific training

Training 3: Building relationships

Establishing trust

It’s essential that you don’t forget or miss making your calls at the agreed time. If you’re unable to make your Christmas call, then please make sure that you let the older person know in plenty of time or contact one of the Re-engage team so we can let the older person know.

The single biggest thing that you can do to establish trust with an older person is to call when you say you will. If there’s ever any reason you need to change the time of the call, make sure you let the older person know in plenty of time.

It’s important that the older person feels safe and able to talk to their Christmas call companion about their problems or about anything that’s troubling them. Remember that this is a relationship of equals. Respecting and appreciating the older person as an individual with their own opinions and values which don’t need to match your own will go a long way to establishing trust between you. Make sure you allow the older person to express themselves and make choices wherever possible – ask the older person what they want to get from their Christmas call companion relationship.

Befriending an older person over the telephone can be challenging because you aren’t able to see the older person’s body language and facial expressions. However, by combining the communication skills that we looked at in Training 2 and the tools that you’ll learn in Training 3 and Training 4, you’ll be able to build trust, convey empathy, and reassure the older person that you’re truly listening to and interested in them.

Don’t take notes during the call, since it will stop you from properly listening and focusing on the conversation, but after the call you may want to take note of a couple of points that were covered, so you can revisit them in your next call.

For example: You could make a note of the names of family members because this will help you to know who the older person is talking about the next time you call. By referring to important people to the older person by name in the next conversation, you will show the older person that you were really paying attention.

Meaningful connections and sharing experiences

The most important thing about Christmas call companions is that you enjoy each other’s company. Your calls do not need to be deep or meaningful, just having a casual chat is absolutely fine.

You could read the same book in your spare time or agree to watch the same TV show during the week or listen to the same radio programme and then discuss it in your calls. You could do a crossword together over the phone or share recipes or cooking tips.

The important thing in trying any of these ideas is making sure that the older person has agreed and appears to be enthusiastic about trying them.

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0800 716543

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020 7240 0630