As mentioned in training 3, we use an online platform called Volunteero to manage impact volunteering tasks, known on Volunteero as ‘missions’. There are some dummy missions available so that you can familiarise yourself with the system and the way that missions look.

Once you’re happy to get started, you’ll be able to see the live missions listed on Volunteero. Once you’ve read more about what a mission involves, you can click or tap the ‘Accept mission’ button. This moves the mission from the list of available missions, which is visible to all impact volunteers, to your personal list, called ‘My missions’.

In an accepted mission, you will be able to see additional information, such as the telephone number of the person you’re calling. You can reveal this by clicking or tapping ‘Show number’. If you are using the Volunteero website, you will see the telephone number on screen, and be able to enter it into your phone. If you are using a smartphone, you can tap to make the call – this won’t route the call through Volunteero, however. It will start the call using your usual network connection.

At the top of our online questionnaires, you will usually need to put in your details, and then the last name and identity information of the person you’re calling – this means that when you submit the form, the information you’ve put in will be connected to the right person in our system. We recommend doing this before starting the call.

On a call

No matter what kind of call you are making the forms you use will lay out the questions in a script to guide you through each call, inputting the older person’s responses as you go.

For instance, before asking questions about an older person’s well-being, the form shows the following:

Let me tell you a bit more about the questions and why we're asking them before we get started.

It’s really important for Re-engage to know the difference we make to people’s lives, and the best way to find out is to speak to you.

When you joined Re-engage we might've asked you a few questions around why you decided to join and how you were feeling at that time. We would really like to see how you're feeling now.

Your answers are confidential, stored securely and won't have any effect on your participation in Re-engage activities, so please feel free to answer honestly. What you tell us is used for monitoring and evaluation. By looking at everyone's responses together, we can see overall the impact Re-engage has and where we might need to improve things.

As we go through the questions, if there are any that you'd prefer not to answer, that is absolutely fine.

It should take approximately 15 minutes, but we could take longer depending on how much you'd like to tell me. At the end you'll have a chance to give feedback about Re-engage.

Think of the script as being there to guide you. It will give you familiar things to say in situations where, for instance, you feel things are getting off-topic or you are struggling for a sense of rapport.

It will also ensure that you cover all the things that need to be covered. We want everyone to recognise callers from Re-engage as being friendly and interested in what they have to say, but it’s also important that you can be clear about why you’re calling and what the call will involve.

What’s more, focusing on the survey as the purpose of the call can help to normalise talking about loneliness and well-being.

Take your time to set out the options or scales for responding clearly, so that people understand what you want from them. Short silences are fine, so don’t feel you have to rush.

When making a call to ask questions in a questionnaire or survey format, the script is there to help you to ask the questions in the right way and in the right order, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be times when people need clarification, or some kind of prompt. And even when you set out the options on a multiple-choice question, there may still be times when people respond with a narrative answer.

When that happens, try to avoid leading questions or suggesting responses – such as saying: “That sounds like a difficult day, shall we score you a 5?” Instead, draw their attention back to the options – “So thinking about that scale from 0 to 10, where would you say you are…”

It's also important not to take general responses about how a person is feeling and use them to interpret their response to the set questions. Someone may start the call sounding cheery but once asked specifically about their mood, their response may surprise you. Plus, it isn’t fair to answer on someone’s behalf. So, if someone has agreed to complete the survey with you, ask the questions and make sure you record their answers accurately.

Towards the end of the call, our online forms typically include an opportunity for people to bring up anything else that they want to; sometimes people might ask you questions.

They may ask you what happens to their responses. You can use the information about your role at Re-engage, the guidance on evaluation and wellbeing surveys, and in the mission description to answer this.

They may also ask questions specific to the service they are part of (such as call companions or tea parties). It is fine to explain that you are not able to help them with that, and to suggest that they call their group coordinator or call Re-engage on 0800 716543, or check the FAQs on our website. They can also send an email to

Once you have put someone’s answers into the online form, you can send it directly to Re-engage by clicking the ‘Submit’ or ‘Done’ button.

After a call

Once you’ve completed a call and submitted the responses, you’ll also need to finish things up in the mission on Volunteero. Changes to Volunteero can make a difference to this process, so you’ll be given up-to-date guidance on this when you join the team.

Top tips for calling people

  • Make sure you’re in the right frame of mind.
  • Read through all your information before you start.
  • Try to build some rapport with the person you’re speaking to.
  • Explain things clearly and slowly.
  • Don’t rush: be patient and listen well.
  • If you arrange to call someone back at a specific time, don’t let them down.

Contact us

We have teams across the UK.


7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630