Volunteer driver training

Training 3: Your role on the day of the tea party

The day of the tea party has finally arrived! This module will take you through your roles and responsibilities throughout the day as a Re-engage volunteer driver / reserve driver.

Checking your older guest(s) are still able to attend

It’s always a good idea to call your older guest(s) on the morning of the tea party to make sure they’re still happy and able to attend. They may have changed their mind in the intervening days: there are many reasons why an older guest might drop out at the last minute. Calling ahead could save you from making a wasted journey.

Collecting your older guest(s)

When it comes to picking up each older guest from their home, remember to give yourself plenty of time so that no one feels rushed. In general, it’s a good idea to aim to arrive at the tea party venue around five or ten minutes before the start time, but the most important thing is that all the older guests are safe and comfortable. Ideally, you will have already discussed any considerations around parking or access with your older guest(s) so it might be a good idea to make a note of any instructions before you set off, particularly if you’re collecting multiple older guests (please follow current government Covid advice on this). Please make sure you park safely and appropriately and that you look out for hazards nearby that might make it difficult for the older guest to access your car (for example, uneven paving or an overgrown hedge). Older people often need a fully opened car door to enable them to get in.

Good to know

The group coordinator(s) should have emergency contact details for every older guest in your tea party group. Please make sure you have the group coordinator’s number with you when you’re collecting your older guest(s) for the tea party just in case there’s an issue when you’re picking them up or during your drive to the tea party venue (for example, if an older guest doesn’t answer the door despite repeated knocking and/or ringing the doorbell). The group coordinator will then be able to get in touch with the older guest’s emergency contact, if necessary.

The car journeys

It’s vital that you drive safely and carefully when transporting your older guest(s) to and from the tea party. Please bear in mind that older people can struggle more with motion sickness and maintaining their position in a moving car, and please therefore try to adjust your driving style to ensure you are driving as smoothly as possible.

The journey to and from the tea party can be a great opportunity for you to chat with your older guest(s) and get to know them (unless, of course, they would rather just have a quiet drive and look at the view!). Here are some ideas for conversation starters:

  • What is their favourite TV or radio show?
  • What did they used to do before they retired?
  • Have they always lived in this area?


If during a chat (either in the car or at the tea party itself) an older guest tells you something that concerns you (for example, something that makes you worry that they might be at risk of harm or neglect), please speak to your group coordinator about this in private as soon as possible. They will then share this with Re-engage support team as part of our safeguarding policy. It is important that you don’t promise anything that an older guest discloses to you a secret and that you don’t offer to help them ‘fix’ any problems they are facing. Your role is just to let your group coordinator know as soon as possible and to respect the older guest’s confidentiality. You can also see our General Data Protection Regulation guidelines to find out more about confidentiality.

The tea party

During the tea party itself, your role will be to chat with all the older guests in your group, initiating conversations that focus on the older guests themselves and gently encouraging people to come out of their shell if they seem uncertain. Your help will also be very much appreciated by the host when it comes to giving out the food and drinks and helping to clear up afterwards.

As Re-engage staff and volunteers, we all have a responsibility to look out for each other’s health and safety. Many of our older guests have mobility issues and may be more at risk of accidents. To help keep everyone safe at the tea party, please keep an eye out for the following health and safety concerns:

  • Trip hazards, such as people’s bags or the edge of a rug.
  • Slip hazards, such as spilled drinks or a recently mopped floor.
  • Burning or scalding risks, such as an older guest leaning to pick up a mug of hot tea which might be too heavy for them.

If you see any potential hazards during the tea party, please alert the rest of the group and support the volunteer host to mitigate any risks (for example, by helping to move objects that someone might trip over into another room).

Driving your older guest(s) home

Now that this month’s afternoon of tea, cake and companionship is over, all that’s left to do is say your goodbyes and drive your older guest(s) back home safely.

Important. Action needed.

If you have completed all the training, there’s only one more step for you to complete. You’ll then be ready to start your volunteering role with Re-engage. Please click the button below to complete your volunteer agreement.

Sign your tea party driver volunteer agreement

“I'm not nearly so lonely now. I really love the company. If I had the chance, I would go every day.”


You’ve completed your volunteer driver training with Re-engage.

We hope you enjoy your time as a volunteer with Re-engage. Thank you so much for your support.

Contact us

We have teams across the UK.


7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630